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Tokyo Queens 東京クイーン
It’s not often you find Queen Palms in Tokyo. Generally, the temperatures are too low in the winter, and the humidity too high in the summer.
ケンチャヤシ到着 New Howea’s Have Arrived
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Pretty Palm Pairs – 素敵なヤシのペア達
It’s been a great summer of growing, and these little palms are showing their health and beauty. 一つでもとても魅力的ですが2つ組み合わせるととても素敵です。
ミュールヤシ Mule Palm (Butyagrus)
Bohemian Rhapis-ody
Rhapis is considered one of the few “Japanese” palms, but it is actually a “naturalized” palm, with origins in China several centuries ago. However, it is believed that Japan originally introduced the rhapis palm to the west, as early as the Tokugawa era (1600s to mid-1800s).