キングヤシ – King Palm
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Seed 種 [/mmtl-text][/mmtl-col][mmtl-col width=”1/3″][mmtl-text id=”” class=”” space=”medium”]
Seedling 苗 [/mmtl-text][/mmtl-col][mmtl-col width=”1/3″][mmtl-text id=”” class=”” space=”medium”]
Mature Tree 成熟した [/mmtl-text][/mmtl-col][/mmtl-row][mmtl-row][mmtl-col width=”1/1″][mmtl-text id=”” class=”” space=”medium”]
このヤシは高さ約25mに達し、幅約2mから2.5m に広がります。白っぽい葉柄を持つ葉は上下が明るいグリーン。葉は重そうに見え、そのため大風によるダメージを受ける傾向が強いです。したがって多くの場合、減風域に置くのがふさわしいでしょう。幹はすべすべして環状紋があります。
Description: This palm gets to about 25 metres (80 feet) tall with a spread of about 2 – 2.5 metres (10 – 15 feet)). The leaves, which have paler stalks, are bright green above and below. They are heavy looking, and consequently are more likely to be damaged by heavy winds. Thus they are often better suited to more sheltered areas. The trunk is smooth and ringed.
亜熱帯から熱帯地域。オーストラリア中東部沿岸の熱帯雨林。ニュー・サウス・ウェールズ(35° 10’S)から中央クイーンズランドに至るオーストラリア東海岸。熱帯雨林、または平均海面から標高1000mまでの湿気のある森林に限られます。
Climate and Habitat: Sub-tropical to tropical. Rainforests of central eastern Australian coast. East coast of Australia from New South Wales [35° 10’S] to Central Queensland. Confined to rainforest or other moist forest from sea-level to 1000 m altitude.
Suggestions for Cultivation: These palms can be grown in full sun (if the water is kept up to them), or in the shade. They do like more water than most palms, with some even thriving in poorly drained areas. In their native habitat, they can often be seen growing next to and even in creek beds. It is quite a fast grower, averaging about 1/3 – 1 metre (1-3 feet) per year. In southern New South Wales (AUS), it takes about 20 years for plants to mature and produce seed. Plants in deep shade within rainforest have significantly reduced growth rates. [/mmtl-text][/mmtl-col][/mmtl-row][mmtl-row bg_image=”” bg_repeat=”” bg_position=”” bg_size=”” id=”” class=””][mmtl-col width=”1/3″][mmtl-text id=”” class=”” space=”medium”] Contact: info@shimodapalms.com [/mmtl-text][/mmtl-col][mmtl-col width=”1/3″][mmtl-icon icon=”glyphicons-message-plus” id=”” class=”” align=”” space=”medium” size=”medium”][/mmtl-icon][/mmtl-col][mmtl-col width=”1/3″][mmtl-icon icon=”glyphicons-shopping-cart” id=”” class=”” align=”” space=”medium” size=”medium”][/mmtl-icon][/mmtl-col][/mmtl-row]