愛すべきリビストナ Loving the Livistona
日本語でビロウという名の、オガサワラビロウ (リビストナシネンシス・ボニネンシス)は、小笠原諸島から本州、四国、九州にわたり、日本で広く非常に良く成長します。
日本語でビロウという名の、オガサワラビロウ (リビストナシネンシス・ボニネンシス)は、小笠原諸島から本州、四国、九州にわたり、日本で広く非常に良く成長します。
One of our grower partners had these Howea Forsteriana (kentia, in Japanese) growing in his shadehouse, and you can see how that helped them become a rich, dark green.
Larger trees are very exciting to buy, because they add instant landscape to your yard. And in one sense, they are also an easier product to buy, because they are older and less sensitive to the moving and root damage. A younger plant may need extra protection in the first winter or two (depending on…
The Bangalow Palm, also know as Archontophoenix Cunninghamiana, is a mainstay in Australia. Very common from the northwest to the northeast, this stately palm is comfortable from tropical to sub-tropical climates. It doesn’t typically like a lot of sun or wind exposure; it tends to look weaker and a bit ragged. But in a little…
Seeds we’ve raised… Bismarckia Nobilis, Howea Fosteriana, Livistona Chinensis, Licuala Dasyantha, Phoenix Roebellini, Trachycarpus Fortunei and more… Archontophoenix cunninghamiana, Archontophoenix alexandrae, Dypsis decaryi, Nannorrhops ritchiana, Syagrus romanzoffiana, and the enthusiastic and fast-growing Washingtonia Which would you like to try?